Thursday, August 10, 2006

My favourite people

I just wanted to show everyone who doesn't know them, who some of our favourite people are... our nephews and nieces. They are all here in at least one of these pictures... all but one, Liam... My brother Shawn and his wife Heather's baby, was not in any of the pictures (I stole these off of the Dixon family website.. sorry guys, hope they're not copyrighted :) ) The names of our nephews and nieces by family are:

The Robert and Carolyn MacDonalds: Alley and Daniel
The Shawn and Heather MacDonalds: Liam
The Dixons: Caleb, Katie and Reuban
The Morris': Jaime (soon to be joined by another in December)

So anyway, wanted to show them off because they're so cute and because we miss them so much and can't wait to see them soon!

Love you


Anonymous said...

Hey! Those are some of my favorite people too.....coincidence?...;o)

Can't wait to see you guys, just a couple of more weeks. YAY!!!

Love Karilyn

Anonymous said...

Me too! We miss you guys and are getting more excited as the day approaches! Even Alley doesn't seem to mind the idea that Scott is coming back to Canada, as long as he stays in the Valley!

Love Robert.

Scott or Deborah said...

That's not bad. Perhaps the distance will lessen after a while. First, I'll get to Truro; then to Amherst; and so on.