Thursday, August 03, 2006

Can't beat the heat!

It sure has been unbearably hot here lately! Everyday this week it has been at least 33 degrees or more and the humidity has been between 86 and 100%! The good news is that rainy season is over, the bad news... it's only going to get hotter. I've been trying not to complain too much because it seems that no matter what the weather is like, everyone finds something to complain about, and I complained enough about the rain last month, so I should be rejoicing that it has been sunny all week. It is difficult to feel good about clothes sticking to you and constant sweatyness and heat rash, but we're trying to hang in there.

Things we've been doing to try and survive in the heat and humidity: -drinking lots of water and water popsicles -keeping the lights off and blinds shut during the day -keeping the fans on all day even when we're not home -putting buckets of ice in front of the fan facing our bed at night to make it bearable enough to sleep.

It's all very strange... I'm not used to the extreme humidity here, it's weird to get to sleep and wake up twenty minutes later all sweaty.

Oh yeah, another thing we've been doing is to take cold showers... this however is not by choice... our apartment building has shut off the hot water in the building for the entire month. Why? We have no idea, but I have to boil water to wash the dishes etc.. and we have to take cold showers.. a lot of times I shower at the gym though, to avoid the icy water, Scott also showers at the gym sometimes because he thinks his cold is partially due to the cold showers.. who knows, maybe?

Time here is winding down... we have only 23 days left until we fly out.. It's very exciting! I can't wait to see everyone again and to have hot water and having our own place finally is going to be awesome! I am very excited, I started packing some of the stuff we won't be using, but once I started I wanted to pack everything, so I had to give up on that, I'll have to resume closer to our departure date.

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