Monday, May 01, 2006


This is just a funny story we thought we'd share...
Last night, or early this morning, I awoke to the feeling of the quilt being flapped up and down somewhat violently on my head. I asked Scott "Scott, what on earth are you doing?" he replied, half awake at this point... "trying to keep you warm". I thought to myself.. yeah sure, okay..., then I asked "are you dreaming?" and he said "yes". Really bewildered as to what he could possibly be dreaming about that would make him flap the blankets up and down, I asked "about what", and he said "you wrote a square on the board and I have to erase it". I just said "oh, okay" and went back to sleep. But we both laughed a lot about it at breakfast that morning.. Scott only slightly remembered it. It was quite funny, I still don't see how flapping the quilt would erase the white board in his dream, but dreams are funny things.
So, remember to ask questions if someone is doing something really strange in their sleep, because depending on how coherent they are, you could get some pretty humorous answers.

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