Friday, May 26, 2006

Long Day


How are all of our loyal fans out there (the three of you that read this)? I'm at school right now on my only break of the day.. Fridays are extremely long for me. I start teaching at 9:30am and finish at 8:00pm with one one hour break from 3-4pm. So, it's now 3:15pm and I'm exhausted after the morning and early afternoon kindergarten classes.. but I still have four one hour classes to go before I can call it quits.

Anyway, I'm not here to complain about my schedule.. I'm actually here because I'm putting off preparing for my last four classes, but asside from that, to tell everyone what a beautiful day it is outside. It is bright and sunny and 30 degrees celcius. It's actually bordering on too hot for me, but since it goes up to 40 degrees here in the summer, I'll take thirty and be happy for it.

I guess this was kind of a pointless blog today, I could say more but I really should go prepare for my classes (blah), so talk to you all later


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