Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kids say the darndest things....

Just kind of a short funny story to begin with... In one of my Kindergarten classes recently, one of the six year old boys came up to me and pulled on my shirt. "Teacher... Teacher" he called, I asked him what he wanted and he said "Ab-ra-haam... Lin-colnnn..... Ab-ra-haam... Lin-colnnnn..." and continued to repeat it a few more times. I said "what about Abraham Lincoln?" and he gave me a thumbs up sign and said "I like him" and then he went and sat down. So, it was a bit strange... but really funny. He must have thought I was an American or something and was trying to get brownie points. Don't ask me where a six year old Korean hears about Abraham Lincoln though?.

Well, that was my funny story. There's not much news in our lives right now... I've been pretty lonely lately and have been missing home a lot. Scott works late most nights and I don't, so I don't really have anyone to talk to. I've joined the gym though, in the hopes that it will take up some of the down time and make me healthier (I've been sick for going on two months.. pretty much since I got here... it feels like it might be getting better now though, I've been trying to drink more water and get more vitamin C).

In family news... My sister Sharalyn's third baby was due yesterday, but no action yet, so I've been told.. the doctor thinks that it will be late. Hopefully she'll have it soon though, everyone's really excited, especially Caleb and Katie.

Oh yeah, and we are buying a digital camera this weekend, so stay tuned for some pictures of our life in Korea.

Well, that's all for now I guess... talk to some of you later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Deborah,

I hope the gym membership, water, and vitamin "C" have you feeling better soon.

Keep fit and have fun!

-H and J.