Friday, September 29, 2006

A New Song

I've uploaded the first take of the first part of a new song. Check it out here.

Finally getting a start...

Well, since my last post I finally have a job! I am a cashier at Kent Building Supplies. I just started training today (I had safety training yesterday). It's not really in my field (that is the one I went to university for); but, it's a job and a pleasant work environment with a helpful and friendly staff, so it's pretty good. Scott is still applying for jobs, but as of yet has not heard from any of the places he has applied... hopefully he'll get an interview soon.

Reuban Dixon (our youngest Dixon nephew) took his first steps yesterday, for those of you who have not heared. It was really cool... we were cheering him on (he walked to me the second time he did it), he looked awesome, stumbling forward with his belly pushed out, it was so exciting!

I guess that's all of the news I have for now, we don't do too much these days... Scott is still enjoying school and we've started going to a Reformed Presbyterian Church in Kentville, that we both enjoy... style of worship wise and liturgy wise.

Anyway, I'll try to keep this updated for our faithfull readers of whom there are a few (I guess, maybe there aren't any, but I think there are at least two... and if you're reading this, you're probably one of them).

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Studio Ghibli

I find myself longing to see Kiki's Delivery Service and Whispers of the Heart. I think it helps to talk about it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Job seeking woes

So, we've been on the job hunt for like three weeks now and not even a smidgen of hope! Every day I apply for more jobs, every day the phone fails to ring. I've now exhausted all of my options in New Minas... handing out something like sixteen resumes, so tomorrow it is off to Kentville to try my luck there. Things in Kentville seem a bit brighter since I read online that Lawtons there is looking for a Pharmacy technician... someone to help the pharmacist with labelling, cataloguing, organizing... that sort of thing. So, I'm hoping that they'll at least consider me... I do have lots of experience with chemicals and biological things and with labelling and organizing (thanks to my Biology degree and all of my labs that up to this point have proved completely useless in my job search).

So, tomorrow morning I will bike to Kentville and scout out the territory, hand out some resumes and hopefully I'll finally get some interviews. I did have two interviews at Sears, but they were only looking for someone for 6 to 20 hours per week and they decided against me in the second interview when I told them that I didn't work on sundays (after they told me that they would soon be opening on sundays). So much for people saying that we wouldn't be discriminated against in finding jobs if we refused to work on sundays for retailers!... I'm not bitter, really. It wasn't that great of an opportunity because I'm looking for full time and they were only offering minimal hours. Also, they said that on friday nights I would have to work until 11pm setting up displays for saturday morning... and I'm not too keen on working until 11pm, then walking home in the dark from County fair mall. So, it was all for the best I guess.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Home at last

I apologise for not keeping this site up to date lately (for those of you that read it). We are now at long last back home in our native land! We have been home in Canada for two weeks now, but already it seems like forever... like we never even left. We moved into our own place in New Minas, NS on Monday evening and have had a busy week. I have been busy printing off resumes and looking for work. Scott has been going to school at Acadia Divinity College, studying and already working on his first report. When I'm at home I keep myself busy with arranging and decorating things the way I want them and I think I have everything looking pretty good. Everything is unpacked and arranged in the different rooms anyway. It is so nice to have our own place and so much space.

I have yet to post our last pictures from Korea, but I promise to do so soon. I need to get a bunch of our pictures printed off so that I can make a scrapbook of our time in Korea... that will be a big project, so I have to get started soon.

Anyway, I have to go finish getting ready for church. We will attend New Minas Baptist Church today, but we don't know where we will go permanently. We were going to try out the presbyterian church in the area, but upon looking at their website discovered that they ordain women reverends at their church and have women in leadership roles, which we do not agree or feel comfortable with. So, we now have three to try over the next few weeks... New Minas Baptist, New Minas church of the Nazarene, and a new church just starting up: Heritage Baptist church (independant Baptist). So, as of right now, I don't know where we will attend, but hopefully we'll settle into a place before the end of the month, I don't like hopping around.