Friday, September 29, 2006

Finally getting a start...

Well, since my last post I finally have a job! I am a cashier at Kent Building Supplies. I just started training today (I had safety training yesterday). It's not really in my field (that is the one I went to university for); but, it's a job and a pleasant work environment with a helpful and friendly staff, so it's pretty good. Scott is still applying for jobs, but as of yet has not heard from any of the places he has applied... hopefully he'll get an interview soon.

Reuban Dixon (our youngest Dixon nephew) took his first steps yesterday, for those of you who have not heared. It was really cool... we were cheering him on (he walked to me the second time he did it), he looked awesome, stumbling forward with his belly pushed out, it was so exciting!

I guess that's all of the news I have for now, we don't do too much these days... Scott is still enjoying school and we've started going to a Reformed Presbyterian Church in Kentville, that we both enjoy... style of worship wise and liturgy wise.

Anyway, I'll try to keep this updated for our faithfull readers of whom there are a few (I guess, maybe there aren't any, but I think there are at least two... and if you're reading this, you're probably one of them).


Anonymous said...

I certainly am!

Anonymous said...

I'm still checking too!

Scott or Deborah said...

So, if I read it while I'm writing it, does that count as three?

Shawn and Heather said...

haha, we check too 'cuz we don't chat with you often. Its our only way to know whats going on. Keep it up!!