Thursday, January 19, 2006


Hey Everyone...

It's been awhile so I thought I'd do a little update on what is going on with us...
... absolutely nothing! Just the usual stuff, teaching, reading, sleeping, eating... it's a pretty boring life for me right now actually. Same thing day in and day out. Especially now that we are practicing English play with the kindergarteners (in the previous months we switched teaching books daily.. text, phonics, storybook etc). Now, we just practice the english play everyday until Feb. 22. So boring! It's easy though, which is a plus.

I've been experimenting with making Korean food at home. I've been buying mostly Korean groceries and have been trying to make a bit of the cuisine and experimenting a bit with ideas of my own, combining Korean and American - style food (kim chee pizza for example).

I've cut down on the exercise a bit on Scott's suggestion. I was going to the gym six days a week, but Scott suggested I just do five, since I was somewhat lacking in energy after a day of work and and hour in the gym.

I guess none of this is particularly exciting, but such is the state of my life right now.

In more exciting news, my sister-in-law, Heather should have her baby soon, it's now overdue, it was due on January 17th, so hopefully we'll have some exciting news from them soon.

Anyway... talk to you soon


Saturday, January 14, 2006

You're the one for me, Fatty!

In Korea, the older generation and the younger generation have opposing political views. As far as I know, all the younger generation have the same politics, and likewise with the older generation. One of my adult students told me this. He said that Korea was polarized. Another student replied that he thought polarized was an excellent word. We were talking about the generation gap, and he thought that the two generations were completely different and couldn't get along with each other, and that polarized expressed this because it brought in the idea of magnets. And this is how a metaphor helped me to think of the issue in a different way. I commented that actually the parts of magnets that are alike repel each other, and the opposites attract. So maybe, I said, the two generations are the same, both self-centered at heart.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

'January Blahs?'

I know that the 'February blahs' are the most often referred to, but mine came a bit early I guess. The past few days, I've been experiencing quite a bit of blah. I'm not really sure what circumstances are causing it.... I just feel blah in general.
Our short vacation is now over and we both returned to work today, although kindergarten classes don't resume until Friday, so I have a few mornings off yet, I just have afternoon classes.
Today, I began the 'great clean' of the apartment, which could last some time. As some of you may know... the place in which we live is very dirty and disgusting... quite depressing to wake up to every morning. I suspect it is from build up of having men living here for years by themselves. I started with the kitchen, scrubbing the gas range and underneath of it (I don't think that it has ever been moved), and washing the cupboards inside and out. I then washed the food closet (which was completely black on the floor and bottoms of the walls)... we can now see the colour of the floor. I then cleaned the small corner with the washing machine in it. It was somewhat tiring, but seeing the black grime disappear was satisfying. Tomorrow I will tackle the main living space and the refridgerator. I have been wanting to do this for some time (since we moved in), but havn't found the time until now. I hope that this helps with the bug infestation that we've also been blessed with.
One of the teacher's from New Zealand finished his contract and went home for a few months, so we got a new teacher today from Ottawa, Canada. His name is Bradley. I have not met him yet, but Scott says that he is very nice. I saw him leaving work today, he looks pretty normal... long red hair, carries a skateboard etc.. Anyhow, he just got here two days ago I guess, and started work today, with no training or observing or anything. We got two days to observe when we came, so it's pretty bad I guess.

Well, I had better go, this is getting kind of long and boring
I hope all is well with everyone at home

Love Deborah