Thursday, January 19, 2006


Hey Everyone...

It's been awhile so I thought I'd do a little update on what is going on with us...
... absolutely nothing! Just the usual stuff, teaching, reading, sleeping, eating... it's a pretty boring life for me right now actually. Same thing day in and day out. Especially now that we are practicing English play with the kindergarteners (in the previous months we switched teaching books daily.. text, phonics, storybook etc). Now, we just practice the english play everyday until Feb. 22. So boring! It's easy though, which is a plus.

I've been experimenting with making Korean food at home. I've been buying mostly Korean groceries and have been trying to make a bit of the cuisine and experimenting a bit with ideas of my own, combining Korean and American - style food (kim chee pizza for example).

I've cut down on the exercise a bit on Scott's suggestion. I was going to the gym six days a week, but Scott suggested I just do five, since I was somewhat lacking in energy after a day of work and and hour in the gym.

I guess none of this is particularly exciting, but such is the state of my life right now.

In more exciting news, my sister-in-law, Heather should have her baby soon, it's now overdue, it was due on January 17th, so hopefully we'll have some exciting news from them soon.

Anyway... talk to you soon


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