Sunday, June 04, 2006

Deborah showcases her talent

We've posted a couple new songs over on our songs page, both of which feature Deborah on the violin.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Great songs! Brad wanted to let you know that Pentecost was our favorite ;o) Hope all is well with you. We miss you!
Love:Brad, Karilyn and Jaime

Anonymous said...

Definitely the worst violin playing ever.. I can barely stand to practice because it sounds so bad! It makes me cringe to hear it! -Deborah

Anonymous said...

What was that!? We thought Baa Baa Black Sheep was pretty good. We burst into uncontrollable laughter as we listened to Pentacost. We couldn't make out what Scott was singing except that it was Sunday and Pentacost or something like that. Then the violin came in and the laughter began...and it was all over. Lauralyn said "It's terrible!" But we couldn't do any better, actually we'd do a lot worse. We look forward to your next big single! Love US