Tuesday, June 13, 2006


So, I killed my first cockroach... it was so incredibly gross! I was at the school, teaching an evening class of middle school girls; heading to the tape player to rewind the song we were about to listen to I noticed the cockroach walking toward my foot. Naturally, I screamed... and for those of you who know me well, did my "I'm scared of big bugs dance" (it's not really a dance, just a jumping up and down reaction to seeing it). The middle school girls all started screaming as well and standing on their chairs as we tried to decide who would kill the disgusting intruder. One of the girls had more courage than the rest of us and she kicked it across the room to the door, it flipped over on its back and so couldn't go anywhere.. so we left it upside down by the door for the rest of class. However, at the end of class I had to leave the room and so I took all of the courage I could muster, put the chair leg on top of the cockroach and pushed down. It made the biggest, most disgusting crunching sound I have ever heard come out of an insect.... oh.. and by the way, it took three tries to finally kill it! Over here these bugs are a part of life, but I have never seen one back home in my whole life and so I hope to soon return to that life and never see one again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Deborah, way to keep it togrther in front of the kids ;0) Actually that's pretty gross. I'm glad I've never seen a cockroach although I don't think I react to bugs quite as badly as you do :0)
