Saturday, June 03, 2006

A beautiful bride and a walk in the park

Yesterday we went to Cooper and Namju's wedding (a couple from the International English Worship). It was a beautiful ceremony combining elements of the Western ceremony and the Korean ceremony (Cooper is American, Namju is Korean). All of the officiating was done in both english and korean, Cooper read his vows in Korean (which is amazing... he doesn't speak or read Korean, he just practiced a lot) and Namju did her vows in english (she definitely had the advantage since she speaks both). The parents came in as a processional at the beginning and sat in chairs at the front.. the mothers bowed to eachother. After the exchanging of the rings there was a ceremonial bow to the parents, they first bowed to Namju's parents, then to Cooper's (Cooper did a full bow... right on to the floor). So, it was really beautiful and interesting. Namju was an extremely beautiful bride, she wore an amazing dress with a really long train. After the wedding they had the traditional korean wedding buffet (when you sign the register the person at the table gives you a ticket and you present it at the door of the dining hall, then enjoy an enormous buffet feast). Koreans certainly know how do put on a wedding feast... I have never seen so much food at a wedding. Cooper and Namju changed clothes into the traditional Korean Hanboks for the reception. Then after the reception there was a post reception reception (for toasts and so on.... more food). It was quite an amazing wedding.. I consumed about enough food for three days, but it was a beautiful day (outdoors as well, as it was 30 degrees and sunny). I took quite a few pictures, they are on the page already if you would like to take a look.

After the second reception at about 5:30pm, we went to a park and walked around for awhile, it was really nice.. those pictures are there as well... enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I didn't know or didn't remeber that Cooper was Asian American. For some reason I kept picturing him as a tall thin blonde rancher-looking type. Was he adopted? His parents and siblings are definitely not Asian.

Scott or Deborah said...

Yes, he was adopted from Korea to Oregon, USA when he was 8 months old