Sunday, August 20, 2006

We sang a duet at worship

Here is a link to our performance. You must watch it in Internet Explorer. We sang Psalm 111 from our new hymn book, Cantus Christi.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Brad & Karilyn here. Just listened to your performance! Sounded purdy dern good! Looking forward to seeing you when you get home! I like to use exclamation marks!


Brad! and! Karilyn!

Anonymous said...

My other comment got erased or something...oh my techno-peasant self:)
Anyway, "Your song was really beautiful" (quote from What A Girl Wants)
I liked how the purple in your top matched the purple of your eye lids. They did a close up at one point. For those not in the know, her eyelids are naturally a transluscent purple.
So excited for Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawn and Heather said...

Awesome! I miss hearing you guys sing. Can't wait to see you on Monday. Hopefully you have a safe trip. See you soon!

Scott or Deborah said...

It's true, my eyelids are transluscent purple.. actually, you can just see all the veins in them (the girls used to make fun of them)... glad to see that millions of miles doesn't prevent this :) Can't wait for Monday either! I'm all packed.

Anonymous said...

Nice work - you guys are superstars in my books!

I'm giddy as a schoolgirl for your return.

See you soon,
