Friday, June 23, 2006


Last weekend was our anniversary and most of you already know what we did on that day, but I'll say it again. We had planned on going on a day-long date after the morning service at the church, so I went to the morning choir practice and sang in the choir for the morning service... Scott did not show up for the morning service. It turns out that I forgot to turn the alarm back on before I left for choir practice and so, Scott slept right through the service. Anyway, he met me after the afternoon choir practice and after lunch, we travelled to Yeouido Park by subway. At Yeouido park we rented a bicycle built for two for an hour. That was really cool, we rode all along the river side and it is a good anniversary activity because it requires a bit of team work and cooridination. After that we rented a swan-shaped paddle boat and went out on to the river, that was also fun. When we finished that, we walked through the park, viewing the various attractions such as the barefoot rock garden and the statue of King Sejong. Then we exited the park and went out for dinner at a restaurant called 'Seven Springs', it is on the twentieth floor of a building in Yeouido. The food was great. So, all in all we had a great anniversary.

My birthday was the next day and I had to work from 9:30am to 9:00pm! So, it wasn't all that fun. However, Scott cheered me up when he secretly bought an icecream cake during his break and delivered it with his students to my last class of the day at 8:00pm. I had just begun writing sentences on the board for copying when the lights went out and I turned around to see the students and Scott with the cake and candles singing 'Happy Birthday'. Our classes combined to share the cake... my class was glad to get out of writing the sentences. It was a nice suprise (Thanks Scott).

Since then, the week has been fairly uneventful. I've been improving my swimming.. For the past month, due to sore knees I replaced two of my running days with swimming at the pool here. So on Wednesdays and Fridays I swim for about 30 - 40 minutes (depending on the crowds). I'm not a good swimmer but I have been getting better. My classes on those days end at 8:00pm and swimming starts at 8:30 for the public, so I go downstairs to the observation room and watch the swimming lessons, then I try to copy the lessons with myself when I swim at 8:30, so I think that I've been improving a bit.

Yesterday was Katie's 3rd birthday back home, they were at Robert and Carolyn's house for the event. I called but she didn't seem too interested in talking about her birthday... anyway... "Happy Birthday Kate!" We love you and we miss you! My family is away this weekend. They've all rented some cottages on PEI and are spending the weekend together... everyone, all of the original nine and their spouses and children, except for Scott and I because we're here in Korea.. so that's kind of a bummer. But I hope everyone has fun.

Next week on Wednesday June 28th, it's Beth El's birthday (Scott's brother Stephen's wife), so in case we don't blog again before then... "Happy Birthday Beth El!", we'll probably call and say it again, but there's an early one.

Well, so long everyone, this is getting pretty long and I have some work to do... I have to go on a run, then get groceries, then prepare a picnic, Scott and I are going on one today.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Deborah, for the update. I don't bother to reply on this site(yes, by e-mail either, don't rub it in). We enjoy reading your news and adventures and look forward to seeing you back in NS. You both needed a year in Korea (or was it Japan?) - you just didn't realize it a year ago - a great start to as life-long adventure. Love you both and looking forward to you returning HOME!

Anonymous said...

Scott and Deborah - hi!! I'm at a friends house right now and I read through your latest blog - you are SO nice for remembering my birthday! What a great brother and sister-in-law!! I hope you guys are doing well, I enjoyed looking at your lovely pictures - what beautiful place! I really miss you guys, time spent with you is rare and way too far between visits! I'm gonna keep this short cause I'm at a friends house, but I will hopefully talk to you soon.(I would love to talk to you more, but living in Korea makes it kinda hard!)
I love you both and hope you are doing well (Deborah - are you okay from falling off the mountain?!!)

God Bless,
Beth El