Sunday, March 19, 2006

Yeah Baby!

Well, this past Saturday Scott and I went to Lotte World... it's a large theme park in Jamsil. We had lots of fun and took lots of pictures, an example of which you can see here. This particular picture was taken just before we watched the 4D movie, in which we got sprayed with water, rumbled, eaten by sharks, attacked by rats etc.. it was weird, but fun. If you would like to see more of these fun filled pictures, just go into our photo album, they're there now.

The monkey around my neck I won by throwing balls and getting them into the targets behind a moving blocker... I won, I know... hard to believe, I was just doing it because I had never tried before, I didn't actually expect to win anything.

The rides were pretty fun, we were both exhausted from screaming by the end of the night though. One ride, "the Gyro", I don't know if I would ever do again... it takes you way, way, way, up in the air (rotating as it does this) and then suddenly drops.. you're in free fall, it was such a short time, but it felt like I would never reach the bottom, and if I did, I'd be squished into a pancake; but we both made it out alive.

The roller-coasters were also fun, we waited in line forever... almost forty minutes, but they were really fast and went upside-down and all around.. pretty scary but all around good fun.

There was a parade of over 100 performers later that night, they were mostly Russians, we took a couple of silent videos with our webcam, I'm trying to figure out how to get them online so everyone can see.

Well, anyhow,

enjoy the photos, we enjoyed our time. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Deb, your pics of the Lotte World are not there...either that or I'm blind...totally possible

Scott or Deborah said...

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to post them after I wrote it, I'll do it now