Friday, July 21, 2006

Things wonderful

Every so often one ought to read up on the important things, and here's what I found when I did. I really think that Nintendo has a chance get back into the system race. The new Wii system looks like it will be extravagantly fun. It's controller has motion sensor technology, so for many games one simply has to move the contoller rather than press any buttons. For instance, if one if playing tennis, one has to use the controller as a racket; just swing it when the ball comes to your character. Likewise with baseball. In the Legend of Zelda, one can swing the controller like a sword. On top of the controller, Nintendo Wii will have free online access, with the option to download famous games from Nintendo's past library. That includes the original Nintendo, the Super Nintendo, the Turbo Graphics 16, and the Nintendo 64. That in itself has made me want one. Also, Nintendo will have a space for independent games on its server. Developers who want to make games but don't have a large budget can make games and send them to Nintendo, and players can download them and play them.

In other news, the Nintendo DS, the handheld which also has motion sensor technology, was the highest selling video game system in June (I think).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your sense of what is truly important:)