Monday, July 17, 2006

South Korea when it rains; and when we get home

It rained steadily here for the whole weekend, and this rain was heavy, no lightweight stuff. Thunder and lightning are frightening if they happen when one is asleep. The river near our house has risen probably more than ten feet; it overflowed its boundary and then rose nearly to the rims of the basketball nets that are beside the river. It is still contained in valley, though. We'll try to get some pictures before the water subsides. Perhaps it already has, in which case case we won't post said pictures.

Recording songs is fun. I think that perhaps it's narcissistic, but then again, my most complete songs are the ones that I've written for other people and for specific occasions. Writing pop songs should be a more usual activity. Rebecca and I did it for a while, and then we stopped. But it was fantastic when we were doing it. I still remember the riff at the beginning of our first song. I usually just record fragments, but with a computer they're easy to keep track of, and then I can look them over later and form them into a whole song. I'm going to try a more thorough approach soon though, so expect some full length songs in the future. I remember reading about a band that wrote the song titles and then wrote the songs. In imitation of them, here are the titles for my future-complete songs:

1. In the halls of Praetorium
2. The field of Machpelah

On a similar note, I can't wait to hear Andrew's psalm settings.

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