Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Here's how some of us see it

A family sits down and eats a wonderful meal, so filling and satisfying that after it they feel like they'll never need to eat again.  It has plates and plates of savoury meats; baskets full of steaming breads and rolls; creamy potatoes with plenty of butter; and juice and then dessert.
After they finish eating, they all go into the living room and gather around the bare coffee table.  Then they stir themselves up to a fearful solemnity and proceed to pretend that at this table they are partaking of the most wonderful foods.


Anonymous said...

Kitty and I couldn't decide exactly what you were getting at, or at what you were getting:) Mocking our family devotions? Talking about family eating habits?
Commenting on the general state of the Church?

Anonymous said...

I'm not mocking anyone's devotions or eating habits. I hardly know Karilyn's family's eating habits; I've been there only a handful of times. And I love the Porters Lake eating habits. I'm enormously excited to return to that table.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.