Saturday, April 15, 2006

Springtime and Easter

Springtime in Seoul looks a lot better than the other seasons. The trees are lined with cherry trees that are now in blossom. The blossoms blow in the wind and look like snow... it's quite beautiful. Also there are many magnolia trees, if you are like me and had never seen a magnolia tree, they are very beautiful. They look like a tree covered in water lilies.

Tomorrow is Easter and we will miss our families. We will be spending most of the day at the church participating in the various Easter programs. I was actually able to share a bit about Easter and the reason we celebrate it with the kids in one of my classes, three girls. They of course don't celebrate Easter, because they don't have the holiday here, but they were very interested in our traditions. On Friday night I didn't do the textbook, instead I gave the girls a printout about the history of Easter and we read it together. I was able to share about Jesus' death and ressurrection and explain it to them. Then we talked about other traditions like chocolate, easter eggs and the easter bunny. Then I gave them each some chocolate and brought eggs for them to paint. They had never painted eggs before so it was quite fun. We had to use boiled ones because I didn't have time to blow them out before class... Eugene broke hers and ate it.

If you are interested in any of these things, check out the new pictures of springtime in GwangMyeong and Painting easter eggs with my class.

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