Saturday, October 07, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We have many things to be thankful for, not the least of which is being home with family this Thanksgiving. I have been looking forward to this weekend ever since we arrived home. I'm overdue for some big family time and definitly overdue for a large turkey dinner!

Scott's mom, Betty picked us up from New Minas yesterday afternoon and we are at their house in Dartmouth until tomorrow. Tomorrow (Sunday), we will travel to Porter's Lake where we will celebrate Thanksgiving Monday with a large family gathering, lots of Turkey and pie. I am so excited! I imagine that I'll pack on the pounds this weekend (the doctor told me I had to gain 10, so that's okay), however, I was planning on gaining it slowly, 5 in October, 5 in November to avoid the whole yo-yo thing with the fast gain that doesn't last.

We'll be in Dartmouth still on Sunday morning.. I don't know where we'll go to church? Maybe 'Grace Baptist'... Betty mentioned that she would like to try it out, as a possible church for them to attend, so maybe we'll end up there tomorrow... who knows?

Anyway... I'll end this by saying that we are very thankful this year for all of the blessings that God has given us (of which there are many), among those blessings, we are especially thankful for our ever-growing family and for the time we get to spend together. (... and lest we forget... turkey of course).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Deborah,

I feel your pain! I also hate those fast weight gains that just don't last. I'm always trying to pack on the pounds but they just don't stay on. No matter how many cheeseburgers I eat I just cant seem to get rid of my slender, girlish figure.

It was good to see you guys over the weekend! Talk to you soon.
