Monday, March 27, 2006

Gwanaksan Mountain

On Saturday we went to Gwanaksan Mountain to go climbing and hiking. It was really fun and warm... really windy though and a very difficult hike. It took us six hours (we stopped for one hour in total for breaks such as lunch... so really five hours). The next day and still today... three days later, I am very sore. I didn't think I would be since I exercise regularly, but they must be different muscles that you use for climbing. Scott was very sore as well.

It was beautiful and very interesting. Scattered throughout the mountain were lookout spots (little hidden caves with windows) from one of the wars, I'm not sure which. We couldn't go into most of them because they were closed off with barbed wire, but some had open doorways so we explored a bit, it was cool.

My favourite quote from the trip is from a Korean man who was hiking behind me. I had just pulled myself up a rock face on a rope and he said "Very good... like Jane". Scott and I both thought that was pretty funny... If I'm Jane, he must be Tarzan.

Well anyway, it was a good time and the pictures are posted in our photo album if you want to see them.

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