Thursday, February 09, 2006

So Tired....

Hello to the few people who read this... how are you all doing today? I'm okay myself, killing some time while on a break at work. The day has been rather stressful, so this is my hour of relaxing relief. I'm pretty exhausted and rather sleepy, but I only have one class left, so I'll survive I think.

It is snowing here right now. We havn't had barely any snow at all here, so it was kind of nice and refreshing to wake up two mornings ago to about two inches on the ground and more coming down as I walked to school in the morning. As I said, it is snowing again... to the dismay of some people here, but I welcome the change in the weather. Change of any kind is usually welcome for me, as my daily tasks become routine and boring.

Anyway, this isn't meant to be a blog of complaints... that will just bore people to death... so on to more cheerful news and events. My brother Shawn and his wife Heather just had their first child and named him Liam Andrew MacDonald... he was quite the porker I guess... 9 lbs and 1 ounce. But I've seen some pictures and he looks pretty cute... Congratulations guys! So, now I have seven nephews and nieces, and I'm sure I'll have many more in the future. I can't wait to meet them all, three have been born since I left, and two of them will be almost a year old when I return... and the others that I do know, will be so big.

Scott has been working semi-diligently on getting his application and related forms all filled out and faxed away.. for applying to Acadia Divinity College. He jokes that 'it'll be so strange living in Wolfville next year... he doesn't know if he can handle the big city life and the crowds of people'. It will be quite a difference, that's for sure, but we both agree that we'll enjoy the small-town living of Wolfville compared with the big city living of Seoul... neither one of us are really the 'big city' type.

At the end of this month, we will have made it through one half of our contract here and will have six more months to go. We are going out for a big 'Western -style' dinner at the end of the month to celebrate this milestone. I look back on the past six months with 'fond' memories... some fonder than others. Let's see... I saw my first cockroach, shared an apartment with guys and millions of ants and weird flies... well other than those things.. it hasn't been all that bad... there are good things to remember like: great new foods, weird cultural experiences, etc...
All the same, I'll be glad to go home in six months.

Well, I had better be going.....

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